Code of Ethics and Conduct

In keeping with our strategic priorities to ensure transparency, integrity and good governance at every level, the Federation adopted a Code of Ethics and Conduct and has formed an Independent Ethics Commission.

What is the Code of Ethics and Conduct?

The Code of Ethics and Conduct (the Code) is the document which sets out the conduct and behaviours which we set for ourselves and those associated with us, to support and uphold our values.

The standards of behaviour are contained within the Code and include but are not limited to:

  • Adhering to all applicable CGF Policies.
  • Safeguard the interests of Athletes including their physical and mental health and equilibrium, and their opportunity to participate in fair competition and excel in sport.
  • Not engaging in the abuse or harassment of any other person (whether physical, verbal, mental, sexual or otherwise).
  • Not doing anything that might improperly discriminate against anyone on the basis of ethnic origin, colour, race, nationality, culture, religion or belief (or lack thereof), political opinion (or lack thereof), gender, gender reassignment, sexual orientation or disability, or any other improper ground.
  • Conducting themselves honestly, fairly, impartially and in accordance with the highest standards of integrity.
  • Avoiding acts or omissions that give the appearance of impropriety, or that denigrate or detract from any Commonwealth Games Entity and/or the Commonwealth Games and/or Commonwealth Sport Officials, or that bring (or have the potential to bring) any Commonwealth Games Entity and/or the Commonwealth Games and/or Commonwealth Sport Officials and/or sport generally into disrepute.
  • Not to use the Commonwealth Games to promote any political or religious agenda or personal financial interests.

To view our full Code of Ethics and Conduct please click below

There are two branches to our ethics programme. The first branch is the Ethics Officer, who receives and require investigations of ethics complaints. The second branch is the Ethics Commission which receives reports from the Ethics Officer and makes determinations, including possible sanctions. Both branches of the ethics program are independent from Commonwealth Sport, and from each other.

To find out more about the Ethics Commission, please click here

How do I report a concern/complaint?

If you see or experience something which you believe may be a breach of the Code of Ethics and Conduct please direct your concern/complaint to the Ethics Officer at This email address is monitored by the independent Ethics Officer, and they will acknowledge receipt of your email and advise you about the next steps. The Ethics Officer’s role and procedures are found in Part C of the Code.

We also recommend viewing our Whistleblowing, Anti-Corruption and Appointments policies below: 


Decision of the Commonwealth Games Federation Ethics Commission


Note 1 Section 3

Note 2 Undated Terms of Reference pp 2, 3

Note 3 Rule

Note 4 Rule 1.1.5

Note 5 Rule 10.2.2 states it is a responsibility of the Ethics Officer “to educate Covered Persons on the proper interpretation and application of this Code and related policies and procedures (and more generally to raise awareness in respect of conduct matters)”

Note 6 Article 3 of the Code

Note 7 Article 6 of the Code

Note 8 Articles 10 -13 of the Code

Note 9 accessed March 12, 2025

Note 10 If one is involved with a famous or prominent figure, one must avoid attracting negative attention or scrutiny. Julius Caesar allegedly used the phrase to explain why he divorced his wife, Pompeia.

Note 11 “Setting out the sanction(s) that the CGF Ethics Officer considers appropriate in the event that the charge(s) is (are) admitted or upheld (alternatively the CGF Ethics Officer may state that submission on such sanction(s) should be made at a later stage in the proceedings)”

Note 12 (following the list of policies and the pdf shall be titled “Decision of the Ethics Commission, March 2025”

Note 13 For example, the Panel may recommend that the charged person provide a letter of apology, a suspended sanction, a reduction in a suspension, etc

Note 14 Following after Rule 5.1

Note 15 Including: The Constitution; Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy; Code of Ethics and Conduct; Officials Conduct Policy; Public Interest Disclosure Whistleblowing Policy; Safeguarding Policy; Games Time Charter of Good Conduct; Elections Policy; No Needle Policy; Anti-Doping Rules; Social; Media Policy; Code on the Prevention of the Manipulation of Competitions; etc.

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