When he received his medal, he mounted a victory podium. The ceremony is familiar now, but then it was something totally new. It was devised by a man who never won gold, silver or even bronze medal; his name was Melville Marks Robinson, known to all as ‘Bobby’ and without him, the Commonwealth Games might never have happened. For many years he remained an unsung hero, and only recently has his role in the creation of the Games been acknowledged.

At the 1928 Olympics in Amsterdam, Robinson acted as Canada’s team manager and doubled as a reporter for the Hamilton Spectator newspaper. During the event, he called a meeting of his counterparts from Commonwealth nations including Les Duff from Australia, Sir Harry Barclay from Great Britain, James Doig from South Africa and Harry Amos from New Zealand.

Bobby Robinson - the man behind the Hamilton 1930 Games

At the time, there was a degree of dissatisfaction with the Olympic organisation and in particular the way the amateur regulations were applied. The group met again in London post the Olympics and a Canadian proposal for the ‘Empire Games’ was formally accepted.

These were to be “designed on the Olympic model, but they will be very different… They should be merrier and less stern and will substitute the stimulus of a novel adventure for the pressure of international rivalry.”

The city of Hamilton in Ontario, Canada, described as “the athletic centre of Canada,” was soon confirmed as the host city and proved a gracious first host of the Games.

An organisation such as the Commonwealth Games Federation did not yet exist. Instead, a General Committee was established along with a Working Committee within the Athletic Union of Canada. Both were led by Edward Wentworth Beatty, President of the Canadian Pacific Railway.

In Hamilton itself, what would now be called the Local Organising Committee was also founded with Robinson at the helm.

The delivery of the Games was the result of a remarkable feat of organisation. The decision to hold the Games was only finally confirmed in February 1930, yet by August of that same year all the preparations had been completed at a cost of $97,973.

The 1929 financial crash on Wall Street had a substantial impact across the world to the extent that there was now a danger some teams might not be able to afford to attend.

This was stoically described by Hamilton organisers as an “outlook which promised more than the usual obstacles.”

Music hall star Sir Harry Lauder helped pay for the Scottish team’s passage and although regulations specified that the Organising Committee “has nothing to do with the travelling expenses of competitors and officials,” Robinson arranged travel subsidies for his visitors.

Some CAN$5000 was given to the New Zealand contingent, who travelled on the steamer Aorangi. 24 year old swimmer Gladys Pidgeon was their only female competitor. Her participation was conditional on the presence of her mother as chaperone who travelled at her own expense.

The Australian team also travelled on the same ship which made a stopover in Honolulu before continuing to Vancouver where there was still a long train journey to their final destination in Hamilton. But it was here that Beatty’s railway connections made sure the athletes were well looked after.

The South African team in Hamilton

Trains in London nearly put paid to the chances of England’s flag bearer Lord Burghley. He was saying goodbye to friends at Waterloo station with boxer Frank Brooman, when the train started to pull out.

“They dispensed with farewells and in true athletic fashion dashed after the boat train. Burghley hurdled two luggage barrows in his best Stamford Bridge manner.” said reports.

Both made it onto the train, with neither unduly affected by the excitement. Brooman took welterweight bronze and Burghley added to his gold in the 400m hurdles at the 1928 Olympic with victory in the 120 yards hurdles.

The general rules of the Games had stipulated that they were open “to any member of the Commonwealth of Nations known as the British Empire.” and that “amateur athletes only, are allowed to participate.”

Competitions were open to men and women, although women only participated in the swimming and diving. The female Athletes were accommodated at the Royal Connaught Hotel, whilst the men’s teams were billeted at the Prince of Wales School.


August 16 1930 had been declared a civic holiday in Hamilton, and on that day a crowd of over 20,000 assembled to cheer the competitors as they marched past the Governor-General Lord Willingdon’s box. The athletes were led out by an Argyll and Sutherland Highlander bearing the Union Flag. Behind him came the teams, led by eight youths from Newfoundland all in white, offsetting each team dressed in their own distinctive national blazers.

The famous Canadian sprinter, Percy Williams, read the oath of allegiance on behalf of the competitors, surrounded by the flag bearers of the eleven participating countries.

Amongst the standard bearers was swimmer Valerie Davies, the only Welsh competitor and the only female flag bearer, two years before a woman did so at the Winter Olympics.

The Baton Relay had not yet been introduced but the Canadian Prime Minister, Richard Bedford Bennett read a message from the Games patron, King George V. It stated, “I am sure this competition cannot fail to foster a spirit of brotherhood and sportsmanship amongst all taking part in the Games.”

The spectators then enthusiastically joined in the singing of ‘God Save the King’, fireworks were set off, doves were released as a symbol of the peaceful nature of the proceedings, and the Games were officially declared open.

A newspaper report marveled at the new technology. “Speeches were picked up by microphones and relayed by means of loudspeakers not only to the thousands of Canadians actually in the stadium but all over the Dominion.”

The Athlete Parade

All this was watched by Bobby Robinson’s daughter Edna, then only 14 years of age. She kept many of the sporting artefacts accumulated by her father.

“Edna was so proud of her dad and how successful of the Games were.” said Greg Maychak, a Hamiltonian who became fascinated by the history of his city’s finest sporting hour and came to know Edna in her later years.

“All I ever heard was how great the Games were. She saw the sacrifice that was made by the volunteers here and she saw from a spectator’s perspective how much fun the Games were, and how the city came together to support the athletes.”

The sport began only half an hour after the Opening Ceremony had concluded and there was immediate excitement when New Zealand’s Allan Elliott was disqualified in the 100 yards heats after two false starts. The crowd made so much noise that it was impossible to continue the racing until Elliott was allowed back to race.

Percy Williams, the pride of Canada after his 1928 Olympic gold, won in Hamilton as well, but victory came at a price. He pulled a muscle and finished the race in agony.

New Zealander Billy Savidan won gold over six miles, but not before some drama. He crossed the line thinking he had finished, but an official advised him a mistake had been made and that there was still a lap to go.

“From my easiest race it turned into one of my hardest. I had stopped dead at the finishing line and had to get moving again. The field was closing.” he said later.

The first day ended with swimming. This was where women had their first taste of the competition. Amongst the competitors was Valerie Davies the Welsh flag bearer. She won two silver medals and a bronze but could do nothing to beat England’s Joyce Cooper who returned home with four gold medals. England's Celia Wolstenholme also claimed a new World Record in the 200 yards breaststroke.

The final of the Men's 100 Yards

Selling popcorn in the stands was a young Canadian swimmer called George Larson who was so inspired by what he saw, he went on to win relay gold at the London Games in1934.

There was no competition on Sundays in those days, so the Games programme resumed on the Monday morning with bowls; England made a clean sweep of the gold medals in this event and Lawn Bowls has been on the Sports programme at each Games since, bar 1966.

Athletics didn’t continue until later in the week, but in the marathon, Scotland’s Dunky McLeod Wright established a large lead heading into the final phase of the race.

Wright was given a glorious reception when he entered the stadium to run round the empty track. The second-place runner was England’s Sam Ferris, who, after stopping to congratulate the winner, went on to finish amid rapturous cheers.

South Africa’s women's diver, Oonagh Whitsett

South Africa’s Oonagh Whitsett won the Women’s springboard diving gold and was also entered into the high diving in Hamilton Bay but later withdrew. Welsh swimmer Davies also withdrew, leaving the way clear for Pearl Stoneham and Helen McCormack of Canada to dive for the medals. Another Canadian, Alf Phillips won both men’s events.

Rowing was also held in Hamilton Bay. Australia’s Olympic champion Bobby Pearce won the single sculls to confirm his reputation as the finest in the world.

However, not every activity had medals at stake. Competitions for schools, canoeing championships and sailing were also staged during the week.

As the Games ended, the Hamilton Spectator published a farewell poem.

“We trust you’ve found us thoughtful of your comfort
Fair in plaudits to those who won or lost whilst proud of honours won,
By those we call our own…
We grasp your hands and say au revoir, safe home and come again!”

The Games were widely hailed as a success. From a discussion amongst colleagues, a new sporting event became a reality.

This article was originally written for the CGF by Philip Barker, a leading reporter, commentator and Commonwealth Games and Olympic historian.