Instagram: antiguabarbudanoc
Facebook: Antigua & Barbuda National Olympic Committee

PO Box 3115, Redcliffe Street, St John's, Antigua
Phone: +1 (268) 462 3476

Senator The Hon. Chet Greene
Secretary: Cliff Williams

Antigua and Barbuda attended their first Commonwealth Games in Kingston, Jamaica in 1966 but did not become members of the Commonwealth until 1981.

Situated at the North of the Leeward Islands in the Eastern Caribbean and comprising of three islands, Antigua and Barbuda have attended a total of 9 Games.

Antigua and Barbuda enjoy National Olympic Committee status and have been officially recognised by the IOC since 1976. The Olympic Committee was however, formed in 1966 as a result of their attendance at the Empire and Commonwealth Games in that same year.

Antigua and Barbuda’s former Prime Minister Lester Bryant Bird was an athlete of some repute during the late 1950s and 1960s. He was a title-winning high-jump star on the American college circuit during that era and won a bronze medal at the 1959 Pan-American Games.

Antigua and Barbuda Olympic and Commonwealth Games Association is responsible for organising participation in both the Commonwealth Games and the Commonwealth Youth Games.